Diving Spots

Terceirense Shipwreck

  • Type of dive: shipwreck
  • Minimum depth: - 14m
  • Maximum depth: - 21m
  • Marine life: dusky groupers (possibility of interaction), conger eels, moray eels, stingrays, greater amber jacks, guelly jacks
  • Photography: ambient, macro
  • Current: occasional
  • Difficulty level: low (OWD or equivalent)

Ferreiro de Fora Reef

  • Type of dive: wall, rock seabottom 
  • Minimum depth: - 5m
  • Maximum depth: - 42m
  • Marine life: Barracudas, greater amberjacks, guelly jacks, red groupers, dusky groupers, moray eels, parrotfish, tuna. Many small fish in the shallower zone. Black coral
  • Photography: ambient, macro
  • Current: occasional
  • Difficulty level: low (OWD or equivalent)

Ferreiro de Dentro Reef

  • Type of dive: platform and bottom
  • Interaction with groupers
  • Minimum depth: - 5m
  • Maximum depth: - 28m
  • Marine life: Dusky groupers, barracudas, guelly jacks, red groupers, parrotfish, moray eels, leerfish, bermuda sea chubs
  • Photography: ambient, macro
  • Current: occasional
  • Difficulty level: low (OWD or equivalent)

Carapacho Cave

  • Type of dive: cave, rock seabottom
  • Minimum depth: - 14m
  • Maximum depth: - 32m
  • Marine life: dusky groupers, barred hogfish, stingrays, moray eels, bermuda sea chubs, barracudas, tuna, greater amberjacks, guelly jacks, salemas, parrotfish
  • Photography: landscape
  • Difficulty level: low (OWD or equivalent)

Eagle Rays Reef

  • Type of dive: wall, rock seabottom
  • Minimum depth: - 26m
  • Maximum depth: - 86m
  • Marine life: Large pelagic fish, eagle rays (circling the platform at -30m), schools of barracudas, large greater amberjacks, schools of dolphin fish, groupers
  • Photography: landscape
  • Current: yes
  • Level of difficulty: medium/high (AWD, equivalent or higher)

Pesqueiro Longo Reef

  • Type of dive: wall, rock seabottom
  • Minimum depth: - 6m
  • Maximum depth: - 90m
  • Marine life: Large pelagic fish, barracudas, greater amberjacks, anchovies, tuna, manta rays (occasional), moray eels, dusky groupers, Mediterranean slipper lobster
  • Photography: ambient, macro
  • Current: yes
  • Level of difficulty: medium (AWD or equivalent)

The Anchor Graveyard

  • Type of dive: archaeological, mixed seabottom
  • Minimum depth: - 22m
  • Maximum depth: - 26m
  • Marine life: interaction with dusky groupers, greater amberjacks, stingrays, conger eels, moray eels
  • Photography: landscape
  • Ancient anchors with signalled course
  • Current: occasional
  • Level of difficulty: low (AWD or equivalent)

Arcada Reef

  • Type of dive: wall, arcades
  • Minimum depth: - 12m
  • Maximum depth: - 34m
  • Marine life: dusky groupers (possibility of interaction), conger eels, moray eels, shrimp, greater amberjacks, barracudas, eagle rays. Lots of black coral with large branches
  • Photography: landscape
  • Current: yes
  • Level of difficulty: medium (AWD or equivalent)

Senhora da Guia Reef

  • Type of dive: Wall, arcade, rock seabottom
  • Minimum depth: - 3m
  • Maximum depth: - 28m
  • Marine life: dusky groupers, red groupers, barred hogfishes, moray eels, greater amberjacks, guelly jacks, barracudas, Bermuda sea chubs, salemas, parrotfish, leer fish
  • Photography: macro, landscape
  • Level of difficulty: low

Terceirense Reef

  • Type of dive: wall, rock seabottom
  • Minimum depth: - 4m
  • Maximum depth: - 42m
  • Marine life: dusky groupers, red groupers, barred hogfish, moray eels, greater amberjacks, guelly jacks, barracudas, salemas, parrostfish, multicoloured black coral.
  • Photography: macro, landscape
  • Level of difficulty: low to medium (OWD or equivalent).

Seagull Islet

  • Type of dive: mixed seabottom (sand and rock)
  • Minimum depth: - 2m
  • Maximum depth: - 17m
  • Marine life: grey triggerfish, moray eels, greater amberjacks, guelly jacks, common sole, conger eels, sea breams, stingrays
  • Photography: macro, landscape
  • Level of difficulty: low (OWD or equivalent)

Corvo Shipwreck

  • Type of dive: shipwreck
  • Minimum depth: - 5m
  • Maximum depth: - 16m
  • Marine life: dusky groupers (possibility of interaction), conger eels, moray eels, stingrays, greater amber jacks, guelly jacks
  • Photography: ambient, macro
  • Difficulty level: low (OWD or equivalent)

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